DWI Lawyer in San Antonio

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a severe offense in San Antonio, Texas, with strict penalties for offenders. However, a DWI charge does not always have to lead to a conviction, especially if there are legal grounds for a dismissal. 

In this post, learn about the possibilities of getting a DWI charge dismissed and how an experienced DWI lawyer in San Antonio can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

What Are The Consequences of a First-Time DWI in San Antonio?

A first-time DWI offense in San Antonio carries substantial penalties and long-term repercussions. Here are some of the consequences:

  • Jail time: First-time offenders could face up to 180 days in jail with a mandatory three days upon conviction.
  • Criminal conviction: A DWI conviction will be a permanent part of your criminal record, affecting future employment opportunities and other aspects of your life.
  • Loss of license: Your driver’s license could be suspended for up to a year.
  • Damaged Reputation: A DWI charge and conviction can severely tarnish your reputation personally and professionally.

Can a DWI Charge Be Dismissed in San Antonio?

A DWI charge can be dismissed in San Antonio under certain circumstances. Common grounds for dismissal include police errors in evidence gathering or a violation of the defendant’s rights during the arrest. When such violations occur, the evidence collected may be deemed inadmissible, significantly weakening the prosecution’s case, often leading to a dismissal of the charges.

What Are My Chances of Getting a DWI Dismissed in San Antonio?

The chances of getting a DWI dismissed in San Antonio vary significantly from case to case, depending on a multitude of factors. Here are some of the factors that could influence the likelihood of a dismissal in your case:

  • The Strength of Evidence

If the prosecution has strong evidence, such as a high blood alcohol content (BAC) or clear signs of impairment captured on video, this could make a dismissal more challenging. However, if there are issues with the evidence, such as improper handling of your blood samples or inaccuracies in the breathalyzer readings, the chances of dismissal could increase.

  • Legal Representation

The expertise and diligence of your legal representation are crucial. An experienced DWI lawyer in San Antonio can identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case against you, challenge the legality and accuracy of the evidence, and navigate the complex legal landscape to increase the likelihood of dismissal.

  • The Prosecution’s Willingness to Negotiate

If there are evident weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, they might be more inclined to negotiate a plea deal, which could lead to reduced charges or even a dismissal in some cases.

  • The Specific Circumstances of Your Case

Every DWI case is unique, with its own set of circumstances. Factors such as prior DWI convictions, the presence of aggravating factors like accidents or injuries, and your BAC level at the time of arrest can all impact the chances of a dismissal.

  • The Court

Different courts and judges may have varying tendencies when it comes to DWI cases. Having an attorney who understands the nuances of the local court system and is familiar with the local judiciary can be beneficial.

  • Pleading Not Guilty

It is important to note that pleading guilty to a DWI charge eliminates any chance of getting the charge dismissed. On the other hand, pleading not guilty and challenging the charge opens up the possibility of dismissal, especially if there are valid grounds to question the evidence or procedures followed during your arrest.

  • Your Compliance and Behavior

Your behavior after the arrest can also impact your case. Compliance with court orders, attending any required programs, and maintaining a clean record can reflect favorably on your case.

How can a San Antonio DWI Lawyer Help You Get Your DWI Dismissed?

A skilled San Antonio Criminal Defense Attorney with experience in DWI cases can significantly help in pursuing a dismissal of your DWI charges. Here is how:

  • Challenging the legality of the traffic stop by questioning whether the police had a clear and legally proper reason to pull you over.
  • Scrutinizing the evidence, ensuring it was obtained legally and is reliable enough to stand in court.
  • Identifying errors in the BAC testing procedures, including the maintenance and calibration of breathalyzers and proper handling of blood samples.
  • Evaluating footage captured on police body cams during the arrest may bring up questions regarding the conduct of the arresting officers and/or the accuracy of the police report.

While no lawyer can guarantee the outcome of a DWI case. By engaging a skilled DWI lawyer, San Antonio defendants can better challenge the prosecution’s evidence and improve their chances of a favorable outcome, including a possible dismissal.

Facing a DWI charge in San Antonio can be a harrowing experience with potentially severe consequences. However, a charge does not equate to a conviction. The right legal assistance can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. We strongly recommend meeting with one of our experienced DWI lawyers in San Antonio – schedule a free consultation 24×7.[/column]

Austin Office
816 Congress Ave, Suite 950
Austin, Texas 78701

San Antonio Office
700 N St Mary’s St, Suite 1457
San Antonio, Texas 78205