criminal defense attorney in Austin

If you’re arrested, getting released from detention is the priority. No one wants to sit in a cell longer than they have to. If you’ve been arrested for possession, driving under the influence, or some similar crime, a lawyer can help you with jail release services. Jail release in Austin requires an attorney with extensive experience and relationships with the courts. They’ll work with judges to secure your release so you can start working on preparing your defense. Read on to learn more about how jail release works and why it gets you out faster.

Find an Expert Attorney for Jail Release in Austin

When you get to jail or a detention center, you should be granted a phone call. That call should go to your attorney, who can start working on getting you out. Far a good lawyer who handles jail release in Austin, find a firm that is available 24 hours a day. You never know what time you’ll need help, and you don’t want to spend a night in jail if you don’t have to. A lawyer will immediately get to work on your release so you can get home and deal with what happened.

Lawyers Can Advocate For You

When you look for a lawyer to help with jail release in Austin, don’t hire someone without experience. They may not know the legal or procedural requirements necessary to get you out. Instead, hire a jail release firm that has an extensive track record of getting clients out of prison quickly. They’ll have relationships with judges and clerks at the court, so they’re likely able to push things through more efficiently. They’ll also be able to give you some realistic expectations about what to expect in terms of timelines. With their help, you’ll soon be on your way to getting out and reuniting with loved ones. Then, you’ll get to work gathering evidence for your defense.

The team at Stephen Bowling & Associates helps clients with jail release in Austin on a regular basis. If you or a loved one is arrested or detained, call us to find out how we can help. We work hard to secure jail release in a fast, orderly manner. We’re committed to advocating for you and all of our clients. Get in touch today to hear more about our jail release services and other ways we can help you if you need legal help.

Austin Office
816 Congress Ave, Suite 950
Austin, Texas 78701

San Antonio Office
700 N St Mary’s St, Suite 1457
San Antonio, Texas 78205